
Short Biography

Jörg Kienzle is a scientific researcher at ITIS Software, University of Málaga, since July 2023. He previously was a full professor at the School of Computer Science at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he lead the Software Composition and Reuse Laboratory (SCORE) for over 20 years. He holds a Ph.D. and engineering diploma from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). His current research interests include model-driven engineering, concern-oriented software development, reuse, software development methods in general, aspect-orientation, distributed systems and fault tolerance. He has co-organized and organized many workshops (16 workshops on Aspect-Oriented Modelling, 16 1-week workshops on Modelling at the Bellairs Research Institute, 4 workshops on exception handling, 3 workshops on comparing modelling approaches), and is actively involved in the MODELS / ECMFA and Modularity:AOSD: communities (PC member, workshop chair, PC chair of Modularity:AOSD 2013, PC chair of MODELS 2016).

Consult the long version of my CV for more details.

You can find my publications on my Google Scholar profile or on my DBLP page.

Service and Leadership

Scientific events I am/was recently involved in: