TouchCORE is a multitouch-enabled tool for agile model-driven software development aimed at developing scalable and reusable software models. Currently, the tool gives the modeller access to a library of reusable models encoding essential recurring design concerns (security, fault tolerance, distribution, design patterns). It exploits model interfaces and aspect-oriented model weaving techniques to enable the designer to rapidly apply reusable design concerns.

On this page you can download different versions of TouchCORE. Be advised that you must have Java 11.0.5 installed to run TouchCORE! While it could work with other Java versions, it is quite unlikely.

The most recent stable release of TouchCORE supports feature models, goal models, class diagrams, sequence diagrams and state diagrams, as well as importing of Java classes from jar files and Java code generation.

TouchCORE has been redesigned to support language plugins, and the most recent version supports additionally use case diagrams and textual use cases. However, this version currently does not ship with a reusable concern library, nor does it support delaying of decisions.